
Top 20 The Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks List of 2024

Table of Contents hide 1 Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks List of 1.1 1. Vue.js – The Progressive JavaScript Framework 1.2...

Written by Ashok Kumar · 7 min read >
JavaScript framework is more popular

How do you choose the JavaScript framework for you? And I get asked this question a lot. I imagine you hear it a lot as well. How do you choose a JavaScript framework for you? Well, that makes it feel like there can be only one, can there be only one of anything that’s out there at all times? Maybe. But let’s flip the script a little bit. That’s why I wanted to talk today about this topic, because it’s something I feel passionate about. So when we talk about our JavaScript frameworks, we should think about how we feel about those frameworks. Because the tools that we live in are the ones that make us feel right, they feel good, they feel productive. So the question is not to ask which one is best, but which one feels best to you.

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  • Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks List of 2024
  • Front-end JavaScript frameworks
  • Back-end JavaScript frameworks

We at Make An App understand and explain tech topic deeply . And maybe we can figure this out together today, and how to choose your JavaScript framework. Our choices weren’t always easy, they weren’t always good. There were times when there were about 50 of these things out there any given week, literally, at the tip of the clock, there might be something new on the internet talking about a new framework that you could use. Well, today, the good news is we really can’t lose. There’s a lot of good choices, and we are going to narrow the field down to the top 3 javascript frameworks

Since the inception of 1995, JavaScript has been gaining traction in the huge development community. According to the Stack Overflow report, it has been the most used programming language having a 64.96% vote share. It is scripting and markup language as well. It has been used for front-end and back-end nowadays. So that it is becoming a world-famous programming language. 

We can use React, we can use Angular, we can use view. And how do we look at these? Are these the questions we ask ourselves? What are the features? What’s the community? Like? What’s the documentation? How fast are they?

With the advancement in modern technology, JavaScript is introducing its newer frameworks from time to time. The JavaScript community is always eager to know the best one to make their projects successful. So here, I will tell you about the most famous JavaScript frameworks list. So, let’s start with it! Difference Between Angularjs and Reactjs

Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks List of 2024

1. Vue.js – The Progressive JavaScript Framework

Vue JS provides an increasingly versatile architecture that emphasizes declarative rendering and component composition, with the core library focusing solely on the view layer. There are officially supported libraries and patches that give support for sophisticated functions and features in even the most complex projects. Vue JS allows you to expand HTML with HTML attributes known as directives. The directives provide the functionality to HTML applications and might be built-in or user-defined.

Features of Vue.js

  • Virtual DOM: Vue.js makes use of virtual DOM. The principal DOM element is cloned in virtual DOM. Every update intended for the DOM is absorbed by the virtual DOM and presented in the form of JavaScript data structures compared to the original data structure.
  • Viewers see the final updates that are reflected in the real DOM. The method is innovative and cost-effective, and the modifications are implemented rapidly.
  • Data Binding: This feature allows you to edit or assign values to HTML attributes, change the style, and apply classes using the v-bind binding directive.
  • CSS Animations and Transitions: When HTML elements are created, changed, or removed from the DOM, this feature provides many methods for applying a transition to them. It has a built-in component surrounding the element responsible for returning the transition effect.

Pros of Vue.js

  • It is very simple to integrate
  • It is small in size
  • It also offers two-way communication
  • It is a very flexible framework in which you can easily increase or decrease the scalability of the application. 

Cons of Vue.js

  • Lack of high-end and effective plugins
  • Not suitable for extensive scaling 
  • iOS and Safari browsers can cause problems if they have their old versions 
  • Difficulty with two-way binding 
  • Excessive flexibility can lead to fatal errors

2. React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

Most developers’ first choice in web application development is React. Many well-known organizations and fashionable startups have used it, including Instagram, Airbnb, the New York Times, and Netflix. Furthermore, react has far more advanced features in Development, making it a superior choice than other frameworks and libraries for front-end web development. We have already created the List of Top 15 React Native App Development Companies.

React allows developers to create massive web applications that can adjust data without reloading the page. The main purpose of React is to be quick, easy to use, easy to understand, and increase scalability. React only works on the application’s UI or UX. In the MVC template, this epistolizes to view. React JS vs React Native?

Features of React

  • Declarative: it gives interactive designing facilities and dynamic UI for websites and mobile applications. 
  • Virtual DOM: There is a “virtual DOM object” for every DOM object. It represents a DOM object that makes a virtual duplicate of the original DOM.
  • Event handling: React has developed a completely compatible W3C object model event system. It also provides a cross-browser interface to a native event, eliminating the need to deal with conflicting event names and fields. Because the event system uses event delegation and contains a pool of event objects, React reduces memory head.
  • JSX: JSX is a markup syntax that is similar to HTML. JSX simplifies the creation of React components by making the syntax nearly identical to the HTML injected into the web page.

Pros of React

  • It has plenty of reusable components to build business logic
  • Ease of integration with front-end and back-end
  • Unidirectional data flow with flux controls
  • It is an SEO-friendly JavaScript framework 
  • It has a huge support community

Cons of React

  • It just only covers the User Interface (UI) layer of the application
  • Have to deal with complex state management 
  • It is very difficult for the developers to keep up with the changes when the new updates arrive
  • Beginner developers can face difficulty working with JSX.
  • It doesn’t use an isomorphic JavaScript code

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3. Angular – TypeScript-based open-source framework

Angular.js is an open-source front-end framework created by Google Inc. It is a front-end framework for innovative single-page web apps that are based on the widely used JavaScript and JS in the name.

Angular.js is created and supported by Google and a large open community of Angular.js developers. This aids in constantly developing, improving, and adding new features.

Features of Anuglar.js

  • Ability to offer high-performance, progressive web-pages
  • Can work across multiple operating systems
  • It provides an instinctive and progressive API
  • Provides immediate error discovery and feedback selections

Pros of Angular.js

  • Component-based architecture
  • High-class server performance
  • Two-way data binding 
  • A rich collection of third-party integrations
  • A massive community of developers

Cons of Angular.js

  • Need to learn JavaScript and Typescript
  • Struggles with SEO due to poor accessibility
  • It is very difficult to migrate from one version to another for the developers
  • Extremely heavyweight and bloated
  • Debugging the scope can be difficult

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4. SvelteMost loved web framework of 2024

Svelte is a front-end compiler that is open-source and free to use. A framework script is not required for Svelte apps. At build time, Svelte’s compiler converts app code into client-side JavaScript. Although it is written in TypeScript, unlike most frameworks that do most of the work in the browser, Svelte moves this work into a compilation step when an app is built.

Features of Svelte

  • No virtual DOM
  • This converts codes into Vanilla JavaScript
  • Very reactive

Pros of Svelte

  • Component-based model pattern
  • Easy to use, learn, and understand
  • One of the most small-sized builds 
  • High-speed rendering and top-notch performance
  • Supports both client and server-side rendering

Cons of Svelte

  • There is very little IDE support for Svelte available in the developer’s community
  • It doesn’t have the big tech backgrounds like Vue, Angular, and React, and other languages
  • Absence of third-party components 
  • Difficult to scale up the application
  • Inefficient tooling for debugging apps

5. Next.jsThe React Framework

Next.js is included as a “Recommended Toolchain” in the React documentation, recommending it to developers as a solution for “creating a server-rendered website with Node.js.” React Apps have traditionally only been rendered on client-side browsers; however, using next js, this can be extended to the server-side as well.

Features of Next.js

  • Automatic routing
  • Server rendering
  • It has the best responsiveness with other frameworks, including React and Angular  framework
  • Automatically pre-fetches pages

Pros of Next.js

  • Adaptable and responsive JS
  • Helps meet sales and traffic goals
  • Offers unique user experience
  • Has built-in CSS support
  • Needs minimal or no initial configuration

Cons of Next.js

  • It becomes expensive to customize
  • Minimal number of plugins only
  • It takes much time to create and manage the entire framework

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6. Backbone.js – JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface

Backbone.js is a popular JS library that is simple to use, learn, and understand, even for language beginners. Developers now use Backbone.js to develop Single Page Applications (SPAs). Backbone.js was created to reduce coding complexities and achieve advanced-level functionality with fewer lines of codes. For that reason, the framework assures that all the server-side features are flowing through API.

Features of Backbone.js

  • An open-source library comprising 100+useful extensions
  • Its code is highly organized and very simple to understand 
  • It enables front-end web and mobile apps with precise formats

Pros of Backbone.js

  • It allows you to create SPAs 
  • Requires less coding
  • Easy to learn, use, and understand
  • It provides an infrastructure with key-value binding and custom events
  • Extensive community and vast ecosystem 

Cons of Backbone.js

  • Improper model definition
  • Poor user experience for large data structures
  • Only supports RESTful APIs
  • Testing can be difficult 
  • Lack of controlled building block

7. Polymer.js – Open-source JavaScript library 

Polymer is an open-source JavaScript library that was created by Google. It allows developers to create beautiful websites and web applications. It is a front-end framework that supports both one-way and two-way data binding and allows you to create an all-encompassing application. Moreover, Polymer was designed by Google to use existing web components to build any web application, making it the core library’s USP.

Pros of Polymer.js

  • Allows you to create your components     
  • Provides you the facility to develop high-end UX
  • No chance of any garbage CSS
  • Support for both one-way and two-way data binding
  • Responsive design using app layout components 

Cons of Polymer.js

  • Need to design component for each browser
  • Slow performance on mobile devices
  • Inadequate or confusing error reporting
  • It faces a lot of problems related to library dependencies

Top Front-end JavaScript Frameworks

  1. Front-end JavaScript frameworks
  2. Svelte JS: cybernetically enhanced web apps
  3. Preact JS: fast 3KB React alternative
  4. Polymer: JS library to build web apps using web components
  5. AngularJS: JavaScript MVW framework
  6. Backbone.js: JavaScript library with JSON interface
  7. React: a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  8. Ember.js: a framework for ambitious web developers

Back-end JavaScript frameworks

  1. Node.js: JavaScript runtime built on V8 engine
  2. Next JS: the React framework
  3. Express JS: Node.js web application framework
  4. Gatsby JS: fastest static site generator
  5. Meteor: a platform to build, host, deploy and scale JS apps
  6. Nuxt JS: the intuitive Vue framework
  7. Jest: delightful JavaScript testing
Which JavaScript framework is best and why?

For me, ReactJs is the best. Angular is also a good choice.

Which JavaScript framework is more popular?

Angular, React and Vue.js are the most popular JavaScript frameworks in 2024

What was the best JavaScript Framework 2024?

It was Angular and React

Which JavaScript framework should I use?

Its totally depends upon your coding skill and expertise.

Key Takeaways

Here is the most famous JavaScript framework list used in previous years. Every year, computer scientists introduce many frameworks and libraries. These libraries and frameworks assist software developers to do more with fewer code lines. Some frameworks are good for SEO optimization, and some are best for responsiveness. Every framework does not have all the features in it but they have some amazing benefits to some extent. The best backend framework of JavaScript is Node.js so far. I personally recommend using React.js for front-end development because it gives you dozens of features and functionalities. 

Written by Ashok Kumar
CEO, Founder, Marketing Head at Make An App Like. I am Writer at, KhaleejTimes, DeccanHerald. Contact me to publish your content. Profile

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